Planning Meeting

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

KAAC, 5941 N. Lincoln Ave., Chicago, IL 60659


Attendance: (38) Arthur Dilay, Jelly Carandang, Alice Dungey, Luan Nguyen, Anita Chugh, Hashu Chandwaney, Prem Lalvani, Tippi Lee, Cynthia Park, Mimi Rund, Leonard Louie, Lourdes Mon, Tran Phuc, Hieu Ng, Khanh Tran, Paul Park, Yin Kean, Mago Raj, Jackie Conley, Sangha Onkar, Tim Ahn, Ed Lai, Roosy Miller, John Miller, Nancy Kim, Monica Lee, Chris Zala, Bee Bannapradist, Hon Bannapradist, Sargaboondai Suchiyra, Irene Cualoping, Susan Shin, Linda Wang, Charlie Jung, Billy Huh, Monica Lee, Kay Rho, and Alice Cha.


Kay Rho, Chairperson, called meeting to order at 7:37 p.m.


1.      Welcome

a.      Introduction of Kay Rho, Chair, 2009 Lunar New Year Celebration

b.      Introduction of attendees

c.      Introduction of Planning Committee Chairs

d.      Introduction of Korean American Association President, Charlie Jung

2.      Committee Reports

a.      Program

b.      Volunteer

c.      Outreach

d.      Exhibits

                                                   i.      There will be about 20 tables at the exhibit.  There are ideas to incorporate booths from sponsors, cultural booths, and merchandise vendors

                                                 ii.      We were thinking about $300 per booth.  Some have voiced that the cost was too high.

                                                iii.      The decision will be made by the Korean American community.  Thank you for the input.
